Sunday, November 25, 2012

Skinny Massage!!!

Skinny Massages

The “Skinny Massage” is designed for the client desiring their skin to feel tighter and more toned with a 30-minute session.

By working on cellulite-affected areas, the circulation is improved and becomes softer and releases rigidity over time creating a smoother, toner appearance.  For people who have pain associated with higher-stage cellulite, this massage technique can help soften and reduce the appearance as well as reduce discomfort.  Because the detoxification that occurs is largely in the fatty tissue, clients can experience a great side effect… fat loss.  Most clients see not only a shift in the intensity of their cellulite, but also a reduction in their size with a series of these massages – especially when combined with the It Works product line.



Saturday, November 24, 2012

Body Wraps Before and After

You know we all want to see those before and after photos. It’s social proof that the body wraps work right!? I hear you guys, and I want to show you a few GREAT Body Wraps Before and After photos! :)

Body Wraps Before and After

You guys have read my experience with the Ultimate Body Applicator right? I have a GREAT body wraps before and after photo in THIS POST! Check it out! I just love the body wraps and love sharing great before and after photos! A photo can’t lie (well, not in my case! I’m not some kind of photoshop pro, so I would have no idea how to doctor a photo! hahaha) :)

There are tons of people stepping up to show their body wraps before and after photo!

People everyday are PROUD to show off their body wraps before and after photos! The Ultimate Body Applicator is changing lives and contouring bodies everyday! Will you try one? Or a full treatment of four!?

It Works! Distributor Kit

It Works Distributor Kit

What Do you get in your It Works Distributor Kit when you sign up!?

Your It Works Distributor Kit comes with everything you need to jump-start your business with It Works!
What you will get with your $99 It Works Distributor kit:
  • 1 box of Body Wraps (Ultimate Body Applicators – 4 Count, which sell for $25-$30/each)
  • Blitz Cards (promotional business cards/coupons)
  • Catalogs
  • Success Magazine
  • Loyal Customer Order Forms
  • Distributor Forms
  • Replicated website, and *eSuite free for 30 days
  • Other promotional and marketing materials

Is the It Works Distributor Kit worth it?

The It Works Distributor Kit is ordered when you have decided that you are ready to change your life! When you have decided that you want a piece of the $200-300 MILLION dollar (per year) empire that IS It Works Global. When you get that kit in the mail, it means you have taken the first step to becoming a part of an AMAZING opportunity.

Skip all that mushy, inspirational talk and let’s talk practical—-

With the kit, you get FOUR Ultimate Body Applicators. When you sell those at $25-30 each, you make your investment back. That’s like starting your own business for FREE. And if you can’t find four people who want a wrap–A.) You didn’t try very hard! B.) This business isn’t for you! :) These wraps are flying off the shelves. I can’t keep them in stock!

The It Works Distributor Kit is your FIRST STEP! :)

Take the first step in changing your life, leaving a legacy, and taking yourself and your family to new heights! The It Works Distributor Kit is built to help you succeed and grow with It Works!

Buying that kit for ONLY $99, getting the four wraps, and securing the ability to earn a legitimate income will change your life forever!

Do you want a piece of the PIE!?

Do 90 day Challenges work?

Does the 90 Day Challenge work?

You know, social proof tends to say that it does! Honestly, anytime that you replace your fast food, hurried eating, sucky diet with three shakes a day which include high levels of protein and low levels of calories, you are sure to lose a little weight!
But that’s not really what I mean when I ask “Does the 90 Day Challenge Work?”.
Most protein shakes are pretty comparable. There are a lot of different brands, all boasting that they are the best. And you might think that calories, protein, amount of sugar, carbs, etc are the important numbers to look at. You may even think that cost is the most important number when comparing shakes.

LISTEN NOW: HANDS DOWN, the single most important factor to look at when looking at protein shakes is the KIND of sweetener used.
One shake brand could have 10g of sugar while the other only has 1g… but not all sweeteners are created equal. If your shake that has only 1g of sugar is supplemented for taste with artificial sweeteners, you might as well hang up your diet before you even start!You may think that the shake brand with 10g of sugar is the poor choice, but when comparing REAL sugar with artificial sweetener, the benefits of real sugar SOAR.
Artificial sweetener is linked to all sorts of negative side effects especially in regards to dieting and weight loss.
Does the 90 Day Challenege work?
Much research has been done regarding Artificial Sweeteners and Dieting and you might be surprised to know that according to the article previously linked, “Researchers say artificial sweeteners may interfere with the body’s natural ability to count calories based on a food’s sweetness and make people prone to overindulging in other sweet foods and beverages.”

So basically, artificial sweeteners cause your body to overindulge in other sweet things because it wasn’t sweet enough! So DOES the 90 day challenge work?

Here’s the thing, your body knows what to do with REAL foods. (The same goes for butter… NOT margarine!) Our bodies are designed to work well with natural, real foods. Our body sees real sugar as something it knows what to do with. When we put artificial sweeteners into a protein (diet) shake, we cause our body to consume something foreign. It throws us off balance. Our body’s natural ability to count calories and feel full and satisfied is thrown off.
Can I be sarcastic for a moment? What good is a diet/protein shake which has artificial sweeteners in it if it causes our bodies to WANT MORE SWEETS!? *OK, sarcastic moment over* (Thanks for allowing that!)
Ask yourself, does the 90 day challenge work? Check the label on the back of that silver/purple bag and check for fake sugar. Bet you’ll find it! And now you’ll know that it’s not gonna work for you.
Does the 90 Day Challenege work?

Does the 90 day challenge work?

Not all protein shakes are created equal! Price range may be similar. Calories and carbs may be similar, but think about your weight loss goals… think about your body! Choose a protein shake which is all natural and contains real foods. It will help your weight loss goals as well as keep you HEALTHY, which is really the man focus of all of us.
If you want a protein shake that others pale in comparison to, check out Ultimate ProFit Shakes. They don’t use artificial sweeteners (one of the only protein shakes on the market that doesn’t!), the protein count is high (allowing you to go longer between meals and helping to build that lean muscle mass), and the taste is unbeatable.
Oh, and if you want loads of flavors, options and combinations for your protein shake regimen, check this out!!! :)
It Works Ultimate Profit
It Works Ultimate Profit
It Works Ultimate Profit