Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to build a successful It Works Business -Kami Dempsey

By Kami Demsey, Ambassador Diamond (August 2011)

Wow, what an amazing month! It started off with the announcement and introduction of Mike Potillo to the It Works team and then It Works ramped it up even more with the Bring It Back, $99 Business Builder Kit promotion. My jaw hit the ground when I heard that the promotion was extended from July 15 to the end of the month. A wise man (both a mentor and friend) once said, “a GREAT company is a company that pays us on time, the [commissions] check cashes and [they] ship our product on time! The rest is up to us."
I look at where It Works is today and again I stand in amazement as to where we have come and how far we intend to go! The sky is the limit here. I love the quote, "No one ever said it would be easy, but they said it would be worth it!" Nathan and I truly believe that. Every day, Nathan, the kids and I start the morning with counting our blessings—roof over our head, food on the table, warm home (or cool home if you live in warm weather), and our health! From there we talk about how we are just getting started and how God is blessing us so richly.
How do we receive those blessings? By walking in faith. We step out in faith, giving our time and energy to share this opportunity with others. We have a fabulous product, fantastic compensation plan and limitless opportunities. Our system of "Steps to Success" is the magic behind the plan and as Pam Sowder says, this truly "unlocks the money" and the door to the limitless opportunities.
So, what do we need to do to truly build a successful business with It Works? What do I do? According to our compensation plan:
We need to find users of the products: Loyal Customers
Find people who want to help us spread the word about these fabulous products and business opportunity: Distributors
How do we do that?
We have Wrap Parties
We Blitz and share our stories
We wear our Sexy Back Shirts every day!
Carry Blitz cards with us every day
We give the Business Plan
We build relationship, learn about people’s NEEDS and DREAMS and help them fill their needs and dreams with an IT WORKS Business!
And how do we hold it all together in a negative world, with our baggage and lack of experience in this industry?
Personal Development—Read, listen to books on CD, podcasts, speakers, daily motivational material, etc. Anyone looking to be a leader must understand that leadership is a discipline.
Attend Boot Camps, Conferences, Global Trainings, Webinars, Conference Calls and Team meetings. Get involved with anything and everything you can. It will raise your confidence and awareness of our industry.
Center yourself amongst successful people. Warren Buffet, the richest man in the world, said, "Surround yourself with smarter people then you." Bob Goshen says, "If you wanna make money, hang out with those who have money. If you wanna be a good leader, hang around with mentors and leaders who inspire and walk the talk."

I recently read, “The complete formula for getting lucky is: Preparation (personal growth) + Attitude (belief/mindset) + Opportunity (a good thing coming your way) + Action (doing something about it ) = LUCK” (The Compound Effect, 31).
I believe LUCK comes down to a series of choices. It isn't enough to have the right opportunity meeting preparation; you must also have the right attitude and the action behind it to truly see luck become yours. Nathan and I are very lucky. We plan with everything in us to continue to be lucky, working extremely hard with the blessings we've been given, our It Works! Global business and team. The best part is, you can be lucky too! My good friend, and fellow Ambassador Diamond Melody McFarlane, said, “We are not being good stewards of what we have been given if we aren't sharing it with others,” and I couldn’t agree with her more.

I Corinthians 13:11, When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. I continue to learn more every day about how to do this business wiser and simpler, and as I learn more, I do better! Join me in this Journey as we Live The Dream! and help as many others as we possibly can to get there too.
Kami Dempsey
Ambassador Diamond

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