Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Facts about Toxins

Did you know our fat cells can expand to 1000 times their size!? When you detox with It Works, the inch loss comes from shrinking those cells back to normal size!

Facts about Toxins:

With the increase of toxins within the environment and foods we eat, it is not surprising that the majority of people are at a level of toxicity that is past the point that the bodies own natural detoxification system can cope with.Chemicals and toxins can build up in your system and cause problems regardless of your body weight. But when body fat begins to accumulate, that usually means toxins are accumulating too. The body retains fats as a way to protect the vital organs in the body from the toxins that we ingest (and create through stress). Body fat accumulation, especially around the mid section, is a visible sign of toxic build up and a good indication that the liver is not functioning as efficiently as it should.

If toxins build up faster than they can be eliminated, in an attempt to protect your organs, your body will actually make body fat for the specific purpose of storing toxins as far away from vital organs as possible. This fat is particularly stubborn fat that is very difficult to lose unless you decrease the toxic load and you do something to help your body detoxify.

So when we detoxify and cleanse the body of toxins, we give the body a chance to repair and strengthen itself - and when the toxins disappear, guess what happens to the protective layer of fat...yes, that disappears too!

This is out of a SCIENTIFIC research article ran in the March 2012 Costco news magazine called "The Skinny on Fat". I quote, "Since fat is the place where toxins are held, the saturation of the fat is not the issue, the TOXIC LOAD IS". Translated=Your fat stores your toxins & the more fat the more toxins! The PERFECT solution is the ULTIMATE BODY APPLICATORS!!!!

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